SSLC Social Science (EM): Development | Model Question-answers

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SSLC Social Science (EM): Development | Model Question-answers


One Marks Questions

Answer: process

Answer: national income

Answer: per capita income

Answer: HDI

Answer: The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

Answer: 135

Answer: 130

Answer: 945

One Marks Questions

Answer: The process of enhancing society‟s capacity to satisfy its needs on a larger scale is referred to as development.

Answer: Economic development refers to an increase in a country‟s capacity to serve the economic interests of its citizens and overcoming economic problems such as poverty, unemployment, inequality, inflation, etc.

Answer: According to Prof. Meier and Baldwin, “economic development is a process whereby an economy‟s real national income increases over a long period of time”.

Answer: The term „process‟ refers to the operation of the forces that bring about changes in the supply of factors of production and, in the structure of demand for the products.

Answer: National income is the total value of all goods and services produced in a country during one year.

Answer: The word „underdevelopment‟ denotes a backward and stagnant situation where levels of living of people are low due to lower levels of per capita income and lower productivity levels, apart from high population growth.

Answer: All countries with „middle‟ and low income are referred to as developing countries.

Answer: According to the United Nations, an underdeveloped country is one whose real per capita income is lower than that of the USA, Canada, Australia and Western Europe.

Answer: It is the average income of each individual in the country, which is calculated as national income divided by total population, in a given year.

Answer: Per capita income is calculated as national income divided by total population, in a given year.

Answer: The average of three indicators such as life expectancy of the people, educational achievements and per capita income is called Human Development Index.

Answer: Sex ratio means the number of females for every 1000 males.

The sex ratio in 2011 was 945

Answer: Women - 65.46% Men - 82.14%

Answer: An evil practice of detecting the gender of the foetus and destroying it if found to be a female one, is growing. So sex ratio is declining in the country.

Answer: In order to promote the participation of women in economic activities and thereby achieve economic empowerment, self-help groups are being formed.

Answer: self-help groups have been instrumental in helping women to earn, save and spend at their willingness. so the dignity and autonomy of women have increased.

Answer: Women Empowerment may be described as the expansion in women's ability to make strategic life choices in a context where this ability was previously denied to them.


Two Marks Questions

1) The process of enhancing society’s capacity to satisfy its needs on a larger scale is referred to as development.
2) Changes in factor supply take place due to the discovery of additional resources, education and skill development, capital accumulation, population growth, adoption of better techniques of production, etc.
3)Demand for products changes due to changes in size and composition of population; level and distribution of income; tastes etc.
4) These changes contribute to an increase in national income.

The word “underdevelopment” denotes a backward and stagnant situation where levels of living of people are low due to lower levels of per capita income and lower productivity levels, apart from high population growth.
Causes for underdevelopment:
1) Lower national income
2) inequality
3) poverty
4) unemployment
5) inequality
6) non conservation of resources.

1) The average of three indicators such as life expectancy of the people, educational achievements and per capita income is called Human Development Index.
2) HDI is calculated with the help of life expectancy, literacy attainments and per capita income.

1) empowerment of women
2) laws should be enacted to curb violence against women at home and at work
3) to guarantee equal wages
4) providing reservation of seats in elected bodies

1) A group of women who come together to share their meagre resources, undertake business jointly and earn income.
2) They are trained in managing accounts.
3)Handling bank transactions.
4) skills to take up remunerative income-generating activities.
5) SHGs have been instrumental in helping women to earn, save and spend at their willingness.
6) Their dignity and autonomy have increased.

levels of the population will not be correct. Economic progress in a country will be slower if the population expands along with the increase in national income. Therefore, comparison of economic development between countries with different levels of population.

Answer: Per capita income does not consider the distribution of income among people as well as the availability of basic amenities like food, shelter, education, health or other similar social factors. So Percapita income is not true Indicators of Development.

1.Economic progress in a country will be slower.
2. If the population expands along with the increase of national income.
3. Comparison of economic development between countries with different levels of population.
4. Hence National income cannot be a perfect indicator of a country's development.

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