Sustainable Management of Natural Resources | Solved Questions:
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Sustainable Management of Natural Resources
One Marks Questions
Answer: Water and forest.
(i) Pinewood for the matchbox industry.
(ii) Bamboo for the paper industry.
Answer: Khejri trees.
Answer: Forests.
Answer: Sardar Sarovar Dam.
Answer: We can reuse empty bottles of jam, pickles etc. for storage purposes. Recycle We can recycle old newspapers, aluminium cans etc.
Answer: Human intervention saved the Arabari forest the forests from destruction. range of West Bengal from destruction with the active and willing participation of the local community. The Sal forest of Arabari underwent a remarkable recovery.
Answer: Steel cans and paper can be easily recycled, but we generally throw them in dustbins.
Answer: Exploitation and consumption of natural resources will ultimately result in their scarcity.
Answer: Plants carry out photosynthesis, which converts the energy of the sun into a form that can be used by the rest of the living world.
Two Marks Questions
Answer: The development can be maintained for a long time without undue damage to the
Long environment.
Two objectives:
i) To provide economic well being to the present and future generation.
ii) To maintain a healthy environment and life support system.
Answer: Sustainable development is the development that can be maintained for a long time without undue damage to the environment. Ways to achieve sustainable development are to plant more trees. Recycling needs additional energy to make a usable item. Reuse does not require additional energy and hence, is better than recycle.
(a) Forest:
(i) It helps in retaining the sub-soil water.
ii)It checks flood.
(b) Wildlife :
(i) To maintain ecological equilibrium.
(ii) To protect nature.
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
(i) Switch off the fans and bulbs when not in use,
(ii) Reuse of paper, polythene bags, etc.,
(iii) Reduce the wastage of water/paper or any other item.
Answer: Sustainable management of natural resources is necessary to increase the overall life of natural resources especially non-renewable resources and also to control environmental pollution. Reuse is better than recycling because it does not involve the use of energy.
Two advantages:
(1) Provides the resources for the present generation.
(11) Preserve the resources for the future generation as well.
Reuse is better than recycling because it does not involve the use of energy.
(i) Chipko movement was started in the early 1970s in village Reni in Garhwal by the women of Uttarakhand to stop the felling of forest trees of their area.
(ii) We should conserve forests because they maintain biological diversity, provide food and safeguard the future of the tribals besides maintaining the ecological balance of ecosystems.
(i) Fossil fuels are conventional sources of energy that will not last long.
(ii) To reduce air pollution.
Answer: They are in no way dependent on forests but have a considerable stake in their, management. They recognize the need to. preserve biodiversity as a whole.
(i) The people living in or around the forests who are directly dependent on forest product.
(ii) The Forest Department of the government which owns the land and controls the resources from
(iii) The industrialists who use the forest produce, but are not dependent on the forest of a particular area.
(iv) The wildlife and nature enthusiasts who want to conserve nature in its present form.
Four Marks Questions
(i) The local people obtain large quantities of firewood, timber and thatch from the forests.
(ii) Bamboo is used to make slats for huts and baskets for collecting and storing food materials.
(iii) Implements for agriculture, fishing and hunting are largely made of wood.
(iv) Forests are sites for fishing and hunting.
(i) Reusing is even better than recycling because the process of recycling uses some energy. In the 'reuse strategy, you simply use things again and again, without using any energy for generating something new.
(ii) (a) Clearing of forest land for agriculture.
(b) Building of roads through forests.
(i) By 1983, the value of the previously worthless Sal forests in the Arabari forest range of the Midnapore district was estimated to be about 12.5 crores.
(ii) Rainwater harvesting.
(iii) (a) Reduced availability of forest products.
(b) Deterioration in the quality of the soil.
(c) Reduction in the sources of water.