SSLC Social Science (EM): Post-Independent India | Model Question-answers

SSLC Social Science Solved Questions/Model Questions and Answers (Q&A) on the lesson: Post-Independent India for the SSLC English Medium students have been updated in this post below. The students of SSLC can make use of this Online Study Package to get good scores in the SSLC examinations.

SSLC Social Science (EM): Post-Independent India | Model Question-answers

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Post-Independent India

One Marks Questions

Answer: Lord Mount batten

Answer: Sardar Vallababai Patel

Answer: 1963

Answer: 1953

Answer: Dr B.R.Ambedkar

Answer: Secular

Answer: Bylukuppe

Answer: Successful in integrating the princely states.

Answer: 1948

Answer: Demanding for Vishalandra

Answer: 1949


Two Marks Questions

• The Nawab of this princely state had signed the agreement to join the state of Pakistan.
• His citizens revolted against him and flooded the streets.
• The king fled from the kingdom.
• The dewan requested the Indian government to the military to Junagadh to maintain law and order.
• Later Junagadh joined the Indian federation in 1949.

• The princely state was ruled by Nizam. He wanted to remain independent.
• refused to join independent India.
• Meanwhile, under the leadership of communists the farmers of the state revolted against the Nizam and Zamindars.
• The people were angry with the cruel army called ‘Razueks? which had the patronage of Nizam.
• The government of India sent its military to fight Hyderabad and defeated the Nizam and integrated Hyderabad into India in 1948.

Three and Four Marks Questions

Partition of India created many problems:
• Refugees Crisis
• Integration problems
• Low progress in industry and commerce
• Formation of the constitution
• Military problems
• Discrimination Gender and caste-based
• Communal violence

• In 1947 due to the partition of India, people in thousands together migrated from Pakistan to India.
• India had to provide them shelter, employment, food, education and health care.
• Though it was a great burden for the government, it made many efforts to provide the refugees with shelter, food, land, etc.

• Even after independence, the French had continued their hold over Pondichery Karikal, Mahe, and Chanduanagar.
• Many political parties like Congress, communists, and others wanted them to become part of India.
• As a result of all these parts got integrated in 1954.
• Pondichery became Union Territory of India in 1963.

• A sustained movement was held to protest against the Portuguese occupation of Goa.
• Though they were ordered to vacate Goa, the Portuguese brought more armies from Africa and Europe and tried to consolidate their power over Goa.
• Sathyagrahis from all over India entered Goa and declared the exit of the Portuguese from Goa in 1955.
• In 1961, the Indian military entered Goa and took over its administration.
• Goa had remained a union territory till 1987 and later became a state.

• Both the British government and regional governments never ruled them using the local language.
• In this background, the formation of states based on languages was desired.
• After the death of Potti Stiramulu who died after 54 days of hunger strike demanding for Vishalandhra, the demand for language-based state reorganization went up.
• In 1953, ’Reorganization of state commission’ was formed.
• Mr Fazal Ali became the president. K.M.Pannikker and H.N.Kunjru became it members.
• According to this act. 14 states and 6 union territories were formed.
• Kannada speaking regions were part of various princely states on October 14th, 1947 Mysore state came into existence.
• Now there are 29 states and 7 union territories in India including Delhi.

• The king of Jammu and Kashmir Harisingh decided to remain independent.
• Fearing that Kashmir may join the Indian federation, Pakistan instigated the tribal Muslims to invade Kashmir.
• Finally on releasing the severity of the problem in hand, king Harisingh agreed to join India in October 1947.
• One part of Kashmir remained with Pakistan.
• India complained at UNO against Pakistan on this issue.
• UNO issued a battle truce on January I, 1949.
• The North-East part of Kashmir that was occupied by Pakistan continues to be with it and it is called Pakistan occupied Kashmir.
• The accession of Jammu and Kashmir is different from all the other accessions.

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