School closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic situation have led to gaps in schooling, which in turn resulted in the need for learning recovery across the world. In order to address this need of the hour, Karnataka State has decided to look at the academic year 2022–23 as the "Kalika Chetarike Year", which would focus more on the learning recovery for all schoolchildren rather than the completion of the current grade level syllabus.
Here you will learn how to assess and what to assess during this period of Kalika Chetarike Year 2022-23.
General Principles
The purpose should primarily be diagnostic and formative; it should be used to diagnose students’ learning levels and design appropriate classroom transaction plans.
Formative Assessments should be done informally using worksheets, observations, activities, self-assessment, etc. during the process of teaching.
The outcomes of the assessment should be used to group learners as per their learning levels and needs.
Any kind of ranking of the students as fast learners, slow learners, etc. should be avoided.
A systematic process of documenting individual learners' progress should be done to record whether they are recovering from learning loss and to what extent.
What to assess?
Subject-wise and class-wise prioritised Learning Outcomes in the Teacher's Handbook should be the reference point for all assessments.
Competencies rather than content memorised should be the focus of the assessment.
For example:
Instead of assessing if students can recall poems from the textbook, the assessment should focus on their ability to describe the poem in their own words or read an unfamiliar poem and explain its meaning orally/in writing.
Types of Assessments

Documenting Assessment
A portfolio for each student should be maintained to systematically document evidence of the student’s learning.
This portfolio should have the following: anecdotal records written by the teacher; worksheets done by the student; checklists of the student’s performance in oral activities, group activities, practical work, etc.
A Sample Tracking Sheet
A tracking sheet should be maintained for each LO. (check out the sample tracking sheet below)

Sample Tracking Sheet
A Sample Progress Card
The teacher can break down the LOs into simpler competencies and track progress against them also. (check out the sample progress card below).

Sample Progres Card
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