Summative Assessment (SA-2) Papers for Bilingual Schools | Classes 1-3 | 2022

Summative assessment is an important step in assessing the students after a certain portion of the syllabus is over.
Some teachers may require some handholding and guidance in preparing the papers for summative assessment.
Thus, we have a few collections of model assessment papers for Bilingual Schools to help teachers create their own. The model papers from classes 1–3 include a question paper, blueprints, and key answer sheets.
These papers have been prepared as per instructions given by the Education Department for the academic year 2021-22.
Interested teachers may download the assessment papers (SA 2021-22) for the academic year 2021–22 by clicking on the links provided in the tables below.

Summative Assessment (SA-2) Papers for 2022 | Bilingual Schools | Classes 1-3

1st Std - Bilingual Class
Kannada - bilingual
English - bilingual
Mathematics - bilingual
EVS - bilingual

2nd Std - Bilingual Class
Kannada - bilingual
English - bilingual
Mathematics - bilingual
EVS - bilingual

3rd Std - Bilingual Class
Kannada - bilingual
English - bilingual
Mathematics - bilingual
EVS - bilingual
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