SSLC Model Blueprints for Setting Up Question Papers
Blueprint is a map or specification of assessment items based on educational outcomes and its primary function is to support the validity of assessment with regard to its content – content validity. It helps to align assessment items with the intended learning outcomes and students learning experience.
A blueprint is a must for setting up a good question paper. While preparing a blueprint, teachers must consider these points: weightage to objectives, content, types of questions and difficulty level.
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Blueprint guides the teachers on the proper distribution of questions while setting up a question paper. It is an improper way to set up question papers without blueprints.
To help the teachers of the SSLC/10th class, here are some model blueprints prepared by KSEEB in the 2014-15 Academic Year. Teachers can use these blueprints as they are, or you may make some changes according to current requirements.
First Languages - SSLC Blueprints and QPs
Second Languages - SSLC Blueprints and QPs
Third Languages - SSLC Blueprints and QPs
Mathematics - SSLC Blueprints and QPs
Science - SSLC Blueprints and QPs
Social Science - SSLC Blueprints and QPs